Frequently Asked Questions
What does the Squid Pontoon Paddle do?
The Pontoon Paddle will let you reach the water and paddle from anywhere on the deck of your pontoon boat.
A conventional canoe paddle is perfect for a canoe...oars are perfect for row boats...but not so much for powered boats, especially Pontoon Boats. A canoe paddle won't actually reach the water from the deck of a pontoon boat. The ideal and only spot for canoe paddle use on a pontoon boat, is with you sitting on the front end of one of the pontoons which is why the Squid was created - to give you control without having to compromise.
Is the Squid Pontoon Paddle considered a Legal Paddle?
Yes, the rules that surround a legal paddle are not well defined, for example, the centre board from a sail boat is acceptable as a paddle...canoe paddles are very acceptable, even if they aren't actually long enough to reach the water. The Police would like you you to have 2 paddles on board a pontoon boat...
We sent a description and video to the Canadian and US Coast Guard, and they both told us that they thought the Pontoon Paddle was a terrific safety device.
The Metro Toronto Police told us after we pushed their Boston Whaler from their Yacht Basin past the break-wall and into Lake Ontario, that they could not have paddle their boat. Not that the Pontoon Paddle is designed for large displacement boats. But still, we paddled a Metro Toronto Police Boat past the break-wall.

Can I use the Pontoon Paddle
for my “Big Boat”?
Yes, but understand that your big boat has likely got a displacement hull, and you will be pushing a huge amount of water...we don't recommend using it for a paddle for larger boats...your pontoon boat doesn't displace very much water when compared to your bigger boat.
We suggest that you become familiar with your Pontoon Paddle in calm weather, experiment and learn how it works with you and your pontoon boat.
How does the Squid Pontoon Paddle work?
You will find that when you put your Pontoon Paddle into the water and give a healthy push(you will be able to feel it "catch" and move your Pontoon boat), your pontoon boat will go in the opposite direction that you have pushed, you can correct the direction by using the Pontoon Paddle as a will discover the benefits once you try will help you dock, and let you move your boat into shallow waters.
When you place the blade like part of the Pontoon Paddle into the water, it will function as a rudder, moving and correcting...letting you put your pontoon boat where you want it to be.
Pontoon Boats make your Lake bigger...the Pontoon Paddle will let you explore the shallow bays. Of course, the Pontoon Paddle is essential should the motor fail (unlikely now-a-days)...but no motor works without gas and a we don't want you to think of your Pontoon Paddle as the jack in the trunk of your car, but it is...we'd like you to use it to move your pontoon boat in new new places.
What else can I use my Squid Pontoon Paddle for?
You can use it for as a man/woman/child over board pole...the cross bar is a convenient bar to pull water skiers on-board.
The Pontoon Paddle is a great stand-off pole...use it in the water to slow you down when docking.
What won't the Squid Pontoon Paddle do?
It won't stop the rain or the wind, don't ever loose control of your boat, change directions (better to wait in a quiet bay for the storm to pass), go to a safe place and then resume your careful in electric storms... not surprisingly, it won't stop the rough water either...the Pontoon Paddle takes more energy from you in rough weather, than it does in calm weather, however, it is almost effortless in calm water water, making it ideal for shallow water exploration.