Video : Squid Pontoon Paddle™
Squid Pontoon Paddle
Official Video (Home Page)

Squid Pontoon Paddle - Official Video Description: The Squid function, construction and assembly. Pontoon Paddle the Only Paddle for Pontoon Boats

In this video a variety of maneuvers are demonstrated using the squid Pontoon Paddle Squid Pontoon Paddle
in Action 2

This video illustrates just how easy it is to propel your pontoon boat using the Squid.
Official Video (Home Page)

Squid Pontoon Paddle - Official Video Description: The Squid function, construction and assembly. Pontoon Paddle the Only Paddle for Pontoon Boats

In this video a variety of maneuvers are demonstrated using the squid Pontoon Paddle Squid Pontoon Paddle
in Action 2

This video illustrates just how easy it is to propel your pontoon boat using the Squid.